Carol L. Folt

  • Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences

  • University of North Carolina Chancellor


HB 6001


  • B.A. University of California at Santa Barbara
  • M.A. University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Ph.D. University of California at Davis

Selected Publications

  • Ward, D M, K H Nislow, and C L Folt, Increased Population Density and Suppressed Prey Biomass: Relative Impacts on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Growth, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society , 138:1 (2009) 135-143.

  • Chen, C Y, P C Pickhardt, M Q Xum, and C L Folt, "Mercury and Arsenic Bioaccumulation and Eutrophication in Baiyangdian Lake," Water, AirandSoil Pollution , 190:1-4 (2008) 115-127.

  • Kennedy B P, K H Nislow, and C L Folt, "Linking Consumption Rates to Habitat, Growth and Survival of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon," Ecology , 89:9 (2008) 2529-2541.

  • Ward, D M, K H Nislow, and C L Folt, "Do Native Species Limit Survival of Reintroduced Altantic Salmon in Historic Rearing Streams?" Biological Conservation , 141:1 (2008) 146-152.

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Works In Progress

  • Accumulation and biomagnification of metals

  • Genomic responses to metal toxicity

  • Restoration of Atlantic salmon