The Department of Biological Sciences is housed in a LEED Platinum Certified research facility, the Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center. This state of the art building houses approximately 28 research programs, a light microscopy facility, Drosophila media kitchen, apparatus shop, 3-D printing shop and rooftop greenhouse.
The department has numerous pieces of shared equipment including multiple autoclaves, super-speed centrifuges, ultra centrifuges, fluorescence plate reader, Chemi-Doc and two Nano Drop spectrophotometers.
The Life Sciences Light Light Microscopy Facility has two laser scanning confocal microscopes, two spinning disk confocal microscopes, a TIRF system, a multi-photon microscope and a wide-field fluorescence microscope. An EM facility with transmission and scanning electron microscopes is located in nearby Engineering and Computer Science Building.
The building is equipped with several constant temperature rooms, three walk-in plant growth chambers and several reach-in plant growth chambers. Additionally, there is 3000 square feet of research greenhouse space in the Life Sciences Greenhouse.
The Life Sciences Center adjoins the Geisel School of Medicine facilities on the Hanover campus. The Institute for Biomolecular Targeting, the Molecular Biology Core Facility, the Electron Microscopy Facility and a National Institutes of Health-approved Animal Care Facility are all located in Geisel.