Course Schedules and Syllabi

We offer a wide array of courses in the biological sciences. There are courses targeted at students with strongly developed interests in biology, and courses for non-majors interested in learning more about biology or meeting their science distribution requirements.

The biology department has prepared a schedule of courses for the 2024S-2026S.  Please understand that this schedule will change and the department will post new versions as changes happen. 

Please be sure you are working from the most current version.  The most current version was posted on February 6, 2024.  To download the February 6, 2024 draft, please click here.

For information on current course offerings, please visit the Biological Sciences ORC listing on the Registrar's webpage. 


Course Progression

  • For many students, Biology 11, The Science of Life, will be the entrance course to the major.
  • Students who perform well on the Biology Placement test (available in Canvas) may decide to start the major by enrolling in courses at the Foundation Level.
  • Foundation Level courses are prerequisites for Intermediate Level and Advanced Level courses.

For more detailed information about the major, please visit our Majors and Minors page.



Biology Department Curriculum

Subjects include:

  • animal behavior
  • biochemistry
  • bioinformatics
  • cell biology
  • developmental biology
  • computational biology
  • ecology
  • evolutionary ecology
  • genetics
  • genomics
  • human biology
  • molecular ecology
  • molecular evolution
  • molecular genetics
  • neurobiology
  • organismal biology
  • paleobiology
  • physiology
  • plant biology
  • plant molecular biology

For course offerings, course descriptions and schedules on the Registrar's page, please click here.