Chris Reed Memorial Lecture

Background & Philosophy

The Chris Reed Memorial Lecture is in honor of Dr. Christopher G. Reed, a distinguished professor at Dartmouth who passed away in 1990. Dr. Reed held a strong belief in the importance of education through teaching, research, and mentoring. In honor of Dr. Reed, Graduate Students of the Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College annually select and invite a distinguished scholar who exemplifies the ideals to which Dr. Reed was so committed. As part of the visit, the Chris Reed Scholar gives a lecture of broad interest to graduate students and that is also open to the public. Additionally, the visiting scholar normally stays in Hanover for two or three days as our guest to visit the area and interact with Dartmouth graduate students in the spirit of Professor Reed. Chris Reed scholars have included: William Provine, Bruce Levin, Pierre Beguin, David Wake, Naomi Cappuccino, James Crow, Peter and Rosemary Grant, Richard Lewontin, Douglas Futuyma and Anurag Agrawal.


The Chris Reed seminar depends upon Biology graduate students taking the initiative to choose a speaker, extend the invitation, and arrange suitable dates. This requires that there be a couple of graduate students who volunteer to act as organizers. The process normally involves soliciting nominations from all graduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences (MCB and EEB), then having a group discussion to choose a ranked list of two or three candidates. The best candidates tend to have busy schedules so it is best to choose candidates and proffer the invitation 6 - 18 months in advance. Previous graduate student organizers and faculty will be pleased to assist. Please consult with the organizer of the Cramer Seminar Series regarding suitable dates.