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Driscoll, C.T., Chen, C.Y., Hammerschmidt, C.R., Mason, R.P., Gilmour, C.C., Sunderland, E.M., Greenfield, B.K., Buckman, K.L., Lamborg, C. H. 2012. Nutrient supply and mercury dynamics in marine ecosystems: A conceptual model. Environmental Research 119: 118-131.
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Sunderland, E., Amirbahman, A., Burgess, N.M., Dalziel, J., Harding, G., Jones, S.H., Kamai, E., Karagas, M.R., Shi, X., Chen, C.Y. 2012. Mercury sources and fate in the Gulf of Maine. Environmental Research 119:27-41.
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Ward, D.M., Mayes, B, Sturup, S. Folt, C.L., Chen, C.Y. 2012. Assessing element-specific patterns of bioaccumulation across New England lakes. Science of the Total Environment 421-422: 230-237.
Chen, C.Y., Driscoll, C.T., Kamman, N.C. Mercury Hotspots in Freshwater Ecosystems: Drivers, Processes, and Patterns. 2012. In: Mercury in the Environment: Pattern and Process, (ed.) M. Bank, University of California Press, pp. 143-166.
Chen, C., Kamman, N., Williams, J., Bugge, D., Taylor, V., Jackson, B., Miller, E. 2012. Spatial and temporal variation in mercury bioaccumulation by zooplankton in Lake Champlain. Environmental Pollution 161: 343-349.
Miller, E.K., Chen, C., Kamman, N., Shanley, J., Chalmers, A., Jackson, B., Taylor, V., Smeltzer, E., Stangel, P., Shambaugh, A. 2011. Mercury in the pelagic food web of Lake Champlain. Ecotoxicology (in press) DOI 10.1007/s10646-011-0829-4.
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Evers, D.C., Mason, R.P., Kamman, N.C., Chen, C.Y., Bogomolni, A.L., Taylor, D.L., Hammerschmidt, C.R., Jones, S.H., Burgess, N.M., Munney, K. Parson, K.C. 2008. An integrated mercury monitoring program for temperate estuarine and marine ecosystems on the North American Atlantic Coast. Ecohealth 5: 426-441. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-008-0205-x
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Chen, C.Y., Hathaway, K.M., Thompson, D.G., Folt, C.L. 2008. Multiple stressor effects of Release, pH, and food on the zooplankton, Simocephalus vetulus and larval amphibian, Rana pipiens. Ecotoxicol. and Environ. Safety 71: 209-218.
Chen, C.Y., Pickhardt, P.C., Xu, M.Q., Folt, C.L. 2008. Mercury and arsenic bioaccumulation and eutrophication in Baiyandian Lake, China. Water, Air, Soil Poll. DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9585-8.
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Evers, D.C., Han, Y.J., Driscoll, C.T., Kamman, N.C., Goodale, M.W., Lambert, K.F., Holsen, T.M., Chen, C.Y., Clair, T.A., Butler, T. 2007. Identification and evaluation of biological hotspots of mercury in the Northeastern U.S. and Eastern Canada. Bioscience 57:29-43.
Driscoll, C.T., Han, Y.J., Chen, C.Y., Evers, D.C., Lambert, K.F., Holsen, T., Kamman, N.C., Munson, R. 2007. Mercury contamination in remote forest and aquatic ecosystems in the Northeastern U.S.: sources, transformations and management options. Bioscience 57:17-28.
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