Getting Here
Located in Hanover, N.H., Dartmouth is accessible via car, bus, plane, or train.
Located in Hanover, N.H., Dartmouth is accessible via car, bus, plane, or train.
Use the mobile map to navigate campus while you are here. Or, print a map before you arrive.
All on-campus parking is free from 5 P.M. on Friday and through the weekend. However, due to the Hanover Yard Sale, the closest parking lot to the Life Sciences Center will be unavailable on Friday and Saturday. Therefore, we suggest you park in the Dana, Gilman or Maynard lot (see the mobile map).
If you wish to arrive prior to 5 P.M. on Friday, municipal parking (GPS address: 7 Lebanon Street, Hanover, NH) is available for $15 per day and is 15-20 minute walk from the symposium’s location.
Please use the southwest entrance of the building. Upon your arrival to the symposium, please sign-in at the registration desk near the Oopik Auditorium. Please note, all other entrances will be closed on Saturday.