Oopik Auditorium, Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Making Heads or Tails of Tapeworms: Region-specific Regulation of Stem Cell-driven Regeneration in H. diminuta. Tania Rozario PhD, UW-Madison, candidate in Bio. & MSB Depts.
201 Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Social Interactions Can Generate Sexual Selection on Brains and Behavior. Madilyn Gamble will host Suzanne Alonzo PhD, University of California - Santa Cruz.
Debora Goedert will present her PhD thesis: Microevolutionary Consequences of Variable Selection in an Organism with Single-generation Complex Life Style.
201 Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Color Vision and the Evolution of Signal Color Diversity in Caribbean Anolis Lizards. Elliott Steele & Mark Laidre will host Leo Fleishman PhD, Union College.
Oopik Auditorium, Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Tales From the Crypt: What Zebrafish Can Tell Us About the Evolution of Our Intestine. Tom Jack will host Paul Matsudaira (PhD 81), National University of Singapore.
The Mechanics of Strain, Stationary Points and the Hairy Ball Theorem During Zebrafish Embryo Gastrulation. Tom Jack will host Paul Matsudaira (PhD 81), Nat'l Univ. of Singapore.