Washington Post Highlights Prof. ter Hofstede's Study
Prof.ter Hofstede's paper "Sensory-based niche partitioning in a multiple predator - multiple prey community" featured in the Washington Post.
[more]Prof.ter Hofstede's paper "Sensory-based niche partitioning in a multiple predator - multiple prey community" featured in the Washington Post.
[more]Maria Hindt, Ph.D. received the Croasdale Award from the Dean of Graduate Studies, Prof. Jon Kull for her exemplary work on iron homeostasis in plants in the lab of Prof. Mary Lou Guerinot.
[more]Prof. Rob McClung was a guest on The Exchange on NHPR. The topic of the April, 23, 2015 broadcast was "The Science of GMOs: Possibilities And Limitations."
[more]Prof. Eric Schaller and New York Times best-selling author, Jeff VanderMeer were the featured speakers a MIT Communications Forum on April 6, 2015.
[more]We are pleased to announce that the honors students in the biological sciences will present their research findings in seminars that begin on May 12th. All are welcome to attend. Please click on the photograph below to link to the full schedule.