Dartmouth Events

Special Biology Lecture: Paul Matsudaira, PhD '81

The Mechanics of Strain, Stationary Points and the Hairy Ball Theorem During Zebrafish Embryo Gastrulation. Tom Jack will host Paul Matsudaira (PhD 81), Nat'l Univ. of Singapore.

3 pm – 4 pm
Haldeman 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: 50th Anniversary Milestones, Lectures & Seminars


A part of the 250th Celebration of Sciences at Dartmouth College

Paul T. Matsudaira, PhD Dartmouth '81

Professor and Principal Investigator

Mechanobiology Institute

Centre for BioImaging Sciences

National University of Singapore



Host: Tom Jack


For more information, contact:
Amy Layne

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.